Animated control for showing a loading state
should be implemented inside a view that displays the loading state. Like a view or button which performs network request.
// Declare a isLoading environment variable which needs to be passed// to the loading indicator for toggling the loading state.@Environment(\.isLoading) private var isLoading: BoolTPLoaderDots(size: size, theme: theme).environment(\.isLoading, isLoading)
Rectangle().frame(width: 200, height: 40, alignment: .center).tpLoaderDots(isLoading: isLoading,size: .medium,theme: .brand,hideViewOnLoading: true)
Define custom theme and size and set it to loader dots.
let customTheme = TPLoaderDots.Theme(color: Color)let customSize = TPLoaderDots.Size(size: CGFloat, spacing: CGFloat)TPLoaderDots(size: customSize, theme: customTheme)
Loader view provides loader dots inside a square box that can be used in any view with tpLoaderView
method globally available for all views.
VStack {Image(icon: .contentActionsAudioMedium).frame(width: 300, height: 300, alignment: .center)}.tpLoaderView(isLoading: isLoading, size: .medium, theme: .inverse)