

Auto-dismissing alert displayed at the bottom of the screen


A toast should be used to display a short lived alert at the bottom of the screen with a message, and optionally, a CTA.



The toast component supports dynamic type by default

Public API

public var message: String The message text to be displayed to the user

public var action: Toast.Action The “action” to take on the toast. Includes link text, and a handler closure.

public var theme: Toast.Theme A toast theme, which allows for customization of the background color, text color, icon, and icon color.

public let presentationDuration: TimeInterval The duration for which to display the toast, defaults to 5 seconds.


You can construct a toast with various themes like

let toast = Toast(message: "This is a message?", theme: Toast.Theme.alert(), action: Toast.Action(text: "Take Action", handler: {
/* Do some action */


You can customize the theme by overriding various properties

let toast = Toast(message: "This is a message?", theme: Toast.Theme.success(Icon.contentActionsAddMedium), action: Toast.Action(text: "Take Action", handler: {}))


Once constructed, a toast can be displayed with animation using the showToast method.

import Thumbprint
/* ... */
public func display(_ toastWithText text: String, linkText: String, in view: UIView) {
let toast = Toast(message: text, action: Toast.Action(text: linkText, handler: {
/* Do some action */
toast.showToast(animated: false, completion: nil)
toast.snp.makeConstraints { make in