
November 6, 2018

🍭 Design

  • Figma Brownbags: Newly freed from jury duty, Jon K. is now leading a number of sessions on Figma.
  • Thumbprint Native: Spacers are now complete, including better usage documentation, and the team is researching future component architecture along with ways to contribute.


  • Atomic migration: The work to replace all deprecated Thumbprint Utility classes in website with Atomic equivalents is complete. This will ease the removal of legacy code and help with performance efforts. Thank you to all those who helped with the code reviews.
  • Performance improvements: Tom G. is using a Careers page conversion to React to test a smaller CSS payload and lazy-loaded responsive image components.
  • Thumbprint Native: Daniel O. has started investigating how to publish Thumbprint Tokens to iOS and Android.
  • Open-sourcing Thumbprint: Daniel O. sent out an RFC about open-sourcing Thumbprint. He has been working with Legal and doing needed infrastructure work to make it possible.
  • Contributions: Thanks to Rich P. for adding an autoComplete prop to Input, Bianca G. for adding name to Select, and Philipp C. for adding support for non-square images to Avatar.