
June 25, 2019

📱 Native

  • We had a kick-off meeting for a new Avatar component that will be built by Santi G. on iOS and Luke B. on Android.
  • The Android Button component is nearing completion. (Mallika P.)
  • Thumbprint Tokens was published to CocoaPods as a beta release (pod 'ThumbprintTokens', '8.1.0-beta.4'). Daniel O. is working with Kevin B. to release this in Thumbprint and implement it in the iOS codebase.

🍭 Design

  • Native designs for Layouts, Messenger Elements, Cards, Carousels, Bottom Navigation, and Headers will be published Friday (Jon K.)
  • Popover and the Date Picker for web have updated designs. (Jon K.)
  • Avatar (update), Title Frame, and Global Shadows (beta) are in the works for both Native and web. (Jon K.)

🖥 Web

  • The Avatar React component changes were released and rolled out in website. The changes include new options, a rename of the default export, and a nicer design for avatars without images. (Giles L.)
  • Images used in Avatar are now lazy-loaded with our Image component rather than lazysizes. (Daniel O.)
  • eslint-plugin-react-hooks is now configured correctly. (Giles L.)